
こんばんは、私はルイ○○○○と申します。 私は自分が情熱を持っていることについて初めてスピーチをしたかったのですが、2つの問題にぶつかりました:
1. 5分では到底足りなかった。 (Passion takes at least 10 Minutes)
2. Passionate speech tend to lean to be more persuasive than informative and I was not gonna be the one to push the envelope on my first speech.
So I decided to start with something light hearted.
Who do we choose to accept it or not, all in sales in one form or another.
After all that we decide to take this class so who can learn the better communicate.Why you have been upgraded in the first speech on this system. では、コミュニケーションをとるとき、私たちは何をするのでしょうか?
私たちは売ります。 アイデア、製品、サービス、私たち自身。 WE SELL.
(Jenに向かって手を広げる動作) JenはCCDクラスで4年生に売る
Direct Response Marketing、より一般的には・・・
1分10秒 (total 2 minutes 10 Seconds)
20th century commerce at it finest(最高の20世紀の商売。
Oh yea, believe me it’s right up there with e-commerce, Home Shopping Networks, Catalog shopping.
OK, how many closet infomercial watchers do we have there?
Why is it that admitting that you watch infomercials is like that I have some form of embarrassing medical condition?